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The mission of the Northeast Massachusetts Technical Rescue Team (NEMTRT) is to assist and coordinate life-saving efforts in the search, extrication, and the safeguarding of trapped or stranded victims during natural or man-made accidents and/or disasters. The Northeast MassachusettsTechnical Rescue Team will offer support, assistance and cooperation when a technical rescue incident occurs, to all surrounding agencies when requested.
We also provide stand-by rescue and on call rescue service for confined space. (per OSHA 1910.146) upon request
The Northeast Massachusetts Technical Rescue Team began forming in 2007 after area Chiefs got together and realized that the level of technical rescue they could provide to communities was declining do to the economy and budget cuts.
The Chiefs asked their top technical rescue people to come together and find a way to bring the level of service back to where it needed to be, through a regional concept.One year later and after seeking and being awarded Homeland Security grant money and other funding, the newly formed steering committee was ready to start accepting applications.We decided that all members should have to recertify together as a team and we finished all of our training within the next year.
The team went live in early 2010 and has now grown to over 95 members strong.The team is trained to the Technician Level in Wide Area Search, Rope, Confined Space,Trench and Collapse Rescue.
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